
Timo Rose/Andreas Schnaas(导演)/Eileen Daly/Eleanor James/Magdalèna Kalley/Marc Rohnstock(主演)/德国/2010年 / 恐怖 / 动作
别名:Karl the Butcher vs Axe。Violent Shit 4 - Karl the Butcher vs Axe。 与上一部相比这部是很多人战那两三个人,上一部是裸女战很多僵尸,海报上的女的没露脸没多久就死了。相比之下,同国家的安德烈亚斯柏特曼更血腥,更h。顺便一提,导演真有自知之明,自己都知道自己拍的电影很屎,,, 欢乐,这回真是比前三部欢乐多了,原来假肌肉还可以这么勒出来哈哈哈哈 2023 and Karl The Butcher Jr Returns from hell after 25 years, and is on a mission to kill a new butcher, Axe. But the world he returns to is in devastation, civilization is split between gangs, including the Gang loco, The Others, the tyrant Queen Scara, The Black Monks, and of course, the nomads Axe and his sister Vendetta whose family history is unknown. An ultra-violent journey in a wasteland awaits...