
翁贝托·伦齐(导演)/罗伯特·霍夫曼/苏茜·肯道尔/艾凡·拉斯莫夫/Adolfo Lastretti(主演)/意大利/1974年 / 恐怖 / 悬疑 / 动作
电影名:Spasmo The Death Dealer 截止2019年4月7日共有58人对《痉挛》评分,豆瓣评分5.7分。 Christian (Robert Hoffman) and his girlfriend are taking a walk on a deserted beach when they discover a woman's body lying. A closer look proves that she's alive. The next day Christian meets her again at a yacht party and they fall in love. Later at a nearby motel, something weird happens as they prepare to go to bed together: An intruder breaks in and starts beating Christian who accidentally shoots him with his own gun. A few hours later they find out that the corpse is missing and a series of weird incidents takes place.