
Jesus Franco(导演)/Dyanne Thorne / Tania Busselier(主演)/美国/瑞士/1977年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 惊悚
Ilsa, now a vicious warden, runs a mental-hospital for young women. A girl deliberately "checks" in to the hospital to find out what has happened to her sister who stayed there. Meanwhile Ilsa and one of the guards are forcing the inmates to have sex with male prisoners, filming them and selling it as pornoflicks. 机器翻译: Ilsa,现在是一个邪恶的监狱长,运行一个年轻女性的精神病院。一个女孩故意“检查”到医院,看看她姐姐在那里发生了什么事。同时,Ilsa和一个警卫强迫囚犯与男囚犯发生性关系,拍摄和销售它pornoflicks。
Sergio Garrone(导演)/Mircha Carven, Paola Corazzi, Giorgio Cerioni(主演)/意大利/1976年 / R级 / 战争 / 恐怖
别名:SS Experiment Love Camp/Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur 德国法西斯中校霍伯特再一次侵略其他国家的一个据点时获得了胜利,在据点里他发现了一名敌对国的女青年,并欲与其发生关系,女抗日青年假意与其发生关系,趁其不备之时咬下了霍伯特的蛋蛋,虽然经过了很多年,德国军官霍伯特仍为此而跟耿于怀,于是一直在研究器官移植类的手术,目的就在于重振男人雄风,而恰巧他参加了希特勒所布置的秘密人体实验项目,于是准备借此而为自己做移植蛋蛋的手术。 Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.
Rino Di Silvestro(导演)/John Steiner/Lina Polito/Erna Schurer/Sara Sperati(主演)/意大利/1976年 / R级 / 战争 / 惊悚 / 剧情
别名:Le deportate della sezione speciale SS/Deported Women of the SS Special Section 真是放错了背景,只男猪脚根本就在演吸血鬼伯爵~~舞台剧的腔调啊:I want to drink your sliva,breath your breath..还all gods will consecrate our union~要8是画质太差我大概会反复看到笑抽过去~~ Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.
Don Edmonds(导演)/Dyanne Thorne / George 'Buck' Flower / Richard Kennedy / Maria Marx / Nicolle Riddell(主演)/美国/西德/1975年 / R级 / 战争 / 恐怖
二战期间,臭名昭著的纳粹女指挥官伊莎在盟军即将打来之前,以女人做实验,残酷迫害无辜少女,而男人是供她玩乐的工具,直到沃尔夫的到来,改变了着一切,凭出色的床上功夫征服了伊莎,最后将这只母狼绑在床沿,发动了一场革命,使里面的犯人拿起武器和纳粹禽兽战斗······ Ilsa is an evil Nazi warden at a death camp that conducts "medical experiments". Ilsa's goal is to prove that woman can withstand more pain and suffering than men and therefore should be allowed to fight on the front lines. 7/10 我確定女角一定經過遴選,因為每個胸部都很大,Ilsa的特別漂亮,SS girls的制服很好看。 居然在丁度的合辑里找到了这个,这不是丁度的作品。纳粹重口味虐恋片,都是大波女
Jean LaFleur(导演)/Dyanne Thorne / Michel-René Labelle / Gilbert Beaumont(主演)/加拿大/1977年 / 冒险 / R级 / 恐怖 / 动作
臭名昭著,很显然永远不会老的伊莎又重出江湖了。1953年的西伯利亚,伊莎监管着简陋的古拉格集中营,改造异己。斯大林死后,集中营关闭,伊莎逃往到蒙特利尔,开了家妓院。但是以前的囚犯Yakurin幸存,并在1977年与她偶遇…… 挺有意思个故事,穿越,最后在雪地里烧钱取暖,清明看的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 纳粹女魔头4部曲第三部《西伯利亚母虎 》,居然跟斯大林都扯上关系了。这一集伊莎露胸镜头好多,确实是一对豪乳啊,还有3P戏,比较给力。Erotic adventure in Siberia.
Patrice Rhomm(导演)/Malisa Longo ... Elsa Ackermann/Olivier Mathot ... Major Frantz Holbach/Patrizia Gori ... Liselotte Richter/Pamela Stanford ... Gundrun, the singer(主演)/法国/1977年 / R级 / 战争 / 惊悚
1977年法国惊悚片。一列满载军妓的列车要开往前线,表达希特勒对正在前线战斗军官的慰问。而列车的指挥官是性忌、残忍的艾莎,艾莎的前一情人法罗斯爱上了列车上另一个军妓,而军妓身份特殊,她竟是法国游击队的间谍,而法罗斯亦恢复良知,他带动游击队们攻下列车,但结局终有不尽人意的地方…… Description: In the last days of the Third Reich to uplift the spirit of German SS officers was sent to the front part of hardcore girls-German. Directs the operation sadist Elsa.
Pierre Chevalier/Jesus Franco(导演)/Brigitte Parmentier/Jean-Marie Lemaire/Henri Lambert(主演)/法国/1978年 / R级 / 战争 / 剧情
又名Convoi de filles,À l'Est de Berlin / Convoy of Girls / East of Berlin / SS Nazi Convoy。 The German officer Erich von Strasser meets the beautiful Renata at an officer's party. The woman and her father are in trouble because they are hiding a Jewish girl in the house. When Renata is sent to the eastern front with a group of women, Von Strasser decides to save her. Eric, a brilliant young German officer, is transfered back to Berlin. His superior officer tells him about his new assignment on the Russian front and then invites him to a luxurious villa. Gathered in the mansion are the most beautiful women: the army's special services could enroll for the pleasure of its returning heroes.Eric is stupefied to recognize Renata among the women, who are all ready and willing to make love with any officer present. Not many years ago,while still students, Renata and Eric had been very much in love.After making love in a room put at their disposal, Renata tells him that she had no choice but to accept joining the army as an official camp follower: her father's survival depended on it. The following morning, Renata leaves in a special women's convoy for Eastern front where they are scheduled to entertain hard-pressed officers and men. Will Eric and Renata's love survive those adventures? 类似纳粹军妓类电影。
丁度·巴拉斯(导演)/海尔墨特·伯吉,英格里德·图林(主演)/意大利/1976年 / R级 / 战争
为了进一步控制纳粹军官的目的,纳粹特派了一批对纳粹思想和信念都无比坚定而又年轻美貌的女子,把他们训练成淫荡的妓女,专供那些纳粹军官淫乐,但这些妓女又是纳粹特工,专门负责收集那些军官的心里话,从而辨别军官的忠诚度。玛葛塔,一位中产阶级的女儿,也加入这个队伍,起先她对纳粹思想信仰无比,后来她逐渐明白了纳粹的本质,于是她奋起反抗,一手毁灭了以韦伯格为首的一套纳粹监视系统。 巴拉斯《罗马帝国艳情史》之前拍摄的作品,被认为有被低估之嫌。影片描述了二战期间,一个叫凯蒂的女人在德国开了一家妓院,表面是纳粹特工们将那些效忠希特勒的年轻美妙女子训练成供纳粹军官们消遣淫乐的性玩具,实际上是为了在枕边收集情报,以对军官的忠诚度进行测试,从而向希特勒告密进而获取权利。一个叫玛格瑞塔的女子却因为真挚爱情的警醒,逐渐发现了纳粹们的阴谋,在凯蒂夫人的帮助下,最终揭发出背后实质。 2010年12月27日由意大利情色大师丁度-巴拉斯执导的《凯蒂夫人》虽饱含争议,但从捧得柏林电影节金熊奖这一点来看,该片仍不失为一部佳片。本片2010年底发行了蓝光版。这部电影比起该导演其他情色作品,最大特点是在卖弄肢体诱惑的同时,讲述了一个完整而且似乎有内涵的故事。影片中有大开眼界的情色场面,美工也颇有看头。但两小时的长度过于冗长,杜琳等实力派演员为影片增添了一丝“严肃”的色彩,防止它沦为地道的色情片。
Alain Payet(导演)/Patrizia Gori/Jacqueline Laurent/Jack Taylor/Jacques Marbeuf(主演)/法国/1978年 / R级 / 惊悚
A beautiful American doctor imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp uses her skill to save the life of an SS officer, who falls in love with her. However, a sadistic female SS officer considers him her personal property, and has no compunction about using her riding crop to whip, beat and torture to make sure it stays that way. 很是经典的法国的电影,里边美女如云!
欧文 C.迪特里希(导演)/Elisabeth Felchner/Karin Heske/Renate Kasché/Carl Möhner(主演)/瑞士/1973年 / R级 / 战争 / 惊悚 / 剧情
在二次大战末期,德国纳粹SS党卫军徵召了一群自愿的貌美女子来为前线的德军做特殊的服务,为了心中的梦想走上了战场,这群女兵们在战场上和战场下的生活、爱情和欲望相互交织在一起,但是事情却变得复杂,还必须提防女军官与同袍的诱惑,特别是对付苏俄军队的战况日趋激烈…她们命运会如何呢? 这么多好看妹纸,这么好的题材,拍成这个鸟样,浪费啊。 又名:Eine Armee Gretchen/Fräuleins in Uniforms / 纳粹女子亲卫队