
Robert Hiltzik(导演)/Vincent Pastore/Jonathan Tiersten(主演)/美国/2008年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 喜剧
电影名:Return to Sleepaway Camp 血腥死亡营5 沉睡野营地5 相当赞!杀人杀的好爽。 有种90年代的感觉 美国恐怖片有一个出奇的相似点,就是被害者在危难来临前茫然不知,只是一脸愤怒地满口FUXK,WHAT THE HELL= = It's summer camp as usual at Camp Manabe where the kids torment each other for fun while the underpaid camp staff provides as little supervision as possible. Greedy camp owner Frank and junior partner Ronnie do their best to keep everyone in line, but something sinister is about to put a slash in the roster. When campers and staff mysteriously begin disappearing and turning into gruesome corpses, paranoid Ronnie can't shake the memory of a series of grisly murders that took place at Camp Arawak, where he worked two decades earlier. Has a ghost from the past come back to haunt him? As the paranoia worsens, Ronnie's list of possible killers starts growing just like the body count. Everyone becomes a suspect from vicious kids to shady members of the camp staff, and even former Camp Arawak camper Ricky who mysteriously works nearby. Who is knocking off these victims and why? Only one thing is for certain, something is carving a bloody new trail at Sleepaway Camp where kids can be so mean ...
Jim Markovic(导演)/Carrie Chambers/Victor Campos(主演)/美国/2012年 / R级 / 恐怖
电影名:Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor 沉睡野营地4 Alison (Carrie Chambers), a survivor of the Sleepaway Camp trilogy, is being plagued by nightmares which gruesomely force her to revisit the Sleepaway Camp. Unable to recall the actual occurrences due to a forced mental block, she seeks the help of a psychiatrist in overcoming her insomnia. After numerous visits and hypnosis, Alison's psychiatrist advises her that she is a survivor of a massacre which occurred at a camp over a decade ago. Her disbelief for the whole situation inclines her doctor to advise her to return to the site for an afternoon, in hopes that if she were to see the scenes of the crimes, she would remember them and overcome them. Doubtful, Alison sets out for the camp she attended but never remembered. When she reaches her destination, she finds the camp to be closed and abandoned, the land now Federal Property. Her first acquaintance is a forest ranger, Jack (John Lodico), to whom she explains her reasons for being there. Raising her fears, he explains that there were, in fact a series of murders committed at the camp site ten or so years ago, and that the murderess, Angela, was never caught. He also notes a slight resemblance between Alison and Angela. As Jack tours her through the campsite, the places seem to come back to life for Alison, and memories of brutal murders now invade her mind. Visibly exhausted by the mental strain from the afternoon, she asks Jack if they can eat some lunch together. But Jack has more on his mind than lunch when he takes Alison back to his cabin. When Jack attempts to attack her, she grabs a nearby knife from his kitchen and raises it as if to stab him. She, nearly as frightened as Jack with her murderous instincts, flees the cabin half-dressed and hysterical, realizing that she may be Angela and not even know it. In the forest, she is grabbed by two large hands. Expecting the hands to be Jack's, she is surprised to meet Eugene (John Gallhager), a large, oafish hunter. After the enraged Alison explains her situation with Jack to him, Eugene vows to help her "take care" of him. Eugene has reasons of his own for disliking Jack - being a hunter. Jack has always tried to keep him off the property which Eugene's family has hunted on for generations. Alison sets out to find Jack, with Eugene, after a terrible night's sleep where even more nightmares lead her to believe she is Angela. They break into his cabin expecting him to be asleep, but instead find him dead. In a hysterical fit, she blurts out that she fears she killed Jack in the night and can not even remember it. Eugene, now afraid of her, flees the cabin and runs into two nearby campers, David (Victor Campos) and Annie to whom he frantically explains that there is a murderer on the loose. Meanwhile, Alison does some exploring of her own that afternoon and relives more scenes from the past. Exhausted, she lies down to rest, lapsing into another bad dream. She jolts awake and begins running through the forest toward her car. When she reaches it, Eugene is waiting for her in it - dead. In a climactic fit of rage and terror, she turns to find herself face to face with David and Annie, the campers. Consoling her, they ask her to tell them exactly what happened. David, an intellectual, listens carefully and surmises that Alison probably is Angela. The more excitable Alison gets in her storytelling, the more quietly David tries to steal away from the two women. Annie sits and listens only with a smirk on her face. When David finally makes a move to flee, a knife is hurled at him through the air landing in his forehead. Alison, fully aware this time, knows that she did not do it. Terrified, she faces Annie, who she now remembers to be Angela from camp. Unfortunately for Alison, there is no escape from Angela.
Michael A. Simpson(导演)/Pamela Springsteen/Tracy Griffith(主演)/美国/1990年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 喜剧
电影名:Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland 沉睡野营地3 系列第三部,还是第二集的女主角,故地重游,剧情不如前两部,杀戮+血腥+裸露。★★★☆H00005 女主真是喜欢这个营地,就认准这里杀人了。杀光一批又一批 Angela is back, in the form of an angry inner-city camper on the hunt for blood. Camp New Horizons, on the recycled grounds of the former murders, intends to pair high class teens with underclass counterparts. Angela, however, has a different plan. Will it be door number one, number two, or number three?
Michael Simpson(导演)/Pamela Springsteen/Renée Estevez(主演)/美国/1988年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 喜剧
电影名:Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers 沉睡野营地2 一帮参加夏令营的年轻人在开篝火晚会,所有人都在讲恐怖故事。接着一个叫菲比的女生给他们讲了个真实的故事,说在离这不远的地方以前有个野营地,布莱德搭话说自己也听说过,很多孩子都被杀了,接着菲比继续讲她的故事,告诉他们那些人是怎么一个个死掉的,她还讲到了那个杀手是个14岁害羞的小姑娘。这时女子组的营地管理员安吉拉来了,她让菲比回去睡觉。但菲比还是站着把故事讲完了,她告诉剩下的人说,那个女孩其实是个男的,他阿姨一直把他当女的养,最后一共有30多人被杀……菲比走后,布莱德他们继续在讨论关于那个杀手的事。肖恩说那个杀手没有死,后来去了心理诊所,医生还给他做了变性手术,现在他就变成了“她”。因为他爸爸是警察,所以知道这么清楚。 在回去的路上,因为菲比老溜出去找男孩玩,而且老讲恐怖故事,安吉拉决定不让她参加野营了,要她回去。菲比一点都不在乎。最后安吉拉用根粗木棍打倒了她,并割下了她的舌头。 次日,菲比的营房同伴发现菲比一直没回来,安吉拉告诉她们由于菲比不安分,自己把她送回家了。安吉拉把送走菲比的事告诉负责人约翰叔叔,他觉得她做得对,但愿这样不听话的孩子能少些。 早上吃饭的时候,一帮人在聊关于菲比的事,除了摩丽觉得安吉拉正常外,其他人都认为安吉拉有点太严,太苛刻,就因为多说了会话就把菲比送回家了。接着约翰叔叔宣布安吉拉成为本周优秀营地管理员。开心的安吉拉发言完后,邀请摩丽和爱莉一起上来唱晨歌《快乐的野营之歌》,现场气氛相当好,但有人在打闹,弄得安吉拉有些不开心。饭后自由活动的时候,安吉拉到林子里巡逻时,发现一对双胞胎姐妹坐在那一边喝酒抽大麻,一边把《快乐的野营之歌》的歌词改了唱;后来她们喝醉了还和一个男生亲热。安吉拉赶跑了那个男生,把双胞胎姐妹拉到偏僻的地方,用酒精浇了她们一身,然后放火烧死了她们。 当天,一个女生因为不喜欢营地生活硬要回去,约翰叔叔只好叫人把她送回家了。正当他感叹走了两个孩子时,安吉拉告诉他自己把双胞胎姐妹也送回家了,因为她们喝酒抽大麻还和男生鬼混。约翰叔叔希望她下次不要擅做主张,要先向他或者营地指导主任汇报。 晚上安吉拉告诉爱莉她们自己送走了双胞胎姐妹,希望她们能表现好点。接着她去参加营地管理员会议,让她们在这段时间里不要捣乱。安吉拉走后没多久,肖恩一伙人就冲进她们的营房,双方都疯玩起来。这时安吉拉进来了,把他们都赶跑了,在警告了爱莉她们后,她便回到了自己的房间。但爱莉她们似乎还没过瘾,梅尔带头也跑到男生那闹了一次,指导主任虽然不大愿意可还是宽宏地让她们去疯了回。玩到最欢的时候,梅尔还把自己的胸脯露了出来,这一幕恰好被安吉拉看到了。梅尔知道情况不妙便主动要安吉拉送自己回家。半路上安吉拉想给她一次机会,让她先回去睡觉,只要明天起来向自己道个歉就好了。但梅尔说自己宁愿死也不会说的。于是安吉拉便用电钻成全了她。 第二天,安吉拉在山上的小木屋旁休息,摩丽找她聊心事。她说自己喜欢肖恩,但爱莉也喜欢他。安吉拉安慰了她几句,还以自己为例给了她自信,告诉她男孩都喜欢好女孩的。摩丽十分感谢她给自己的帮助。 在组织活动的时候埃斯豪和艾斯利在一旁做东西,他们打算好好吓安吉拉一次,这些全被安吉拉听到了。布莱德和另外一个小男孩总喜欢偷拍女生裸照,在看照片的时候却没注意到安吉拉已经悄悄进来,她强迫他们拿出照片,糟糕的是里面也有张安吉拉正在换衣服的照片。安吉拉很生气,她去找指导主任,她打算把他们都送回家去。指导主任觉得这不可能,这只是些小错误,而且约翰叔叔也不会这么做的。因为这两个小家伙每次都来,只是比较顽皮,他自己会去处理的。他还劝安吉拉不要老盯着这些孩子,给他们点自由。安吉拉很不满意。 晚上活动的时候,艾斯利装扮成《猛鬼街》中的弗莱迪,埃斯豪装成《黑色星期五》里的杰森准备一起去吓安吉拉,但半路上艾斯利把手爪弄丢了,于是埃斯豪就先行一步。艾斯利在找的自己的东西时候,安吉拉躲在一旁用手爪划破了他的喉咙。埃斯豪等了艾斯利半天都没等到,这时他看到自己身后站着个打扮成德州电锯杀人狂的人,那是安吉拉,她用艾斯利的脸做了张面具。埃斯豪以为是艾斯利,便上去和对方打斗,结果被活活锯死了。 安吉拉来到摩丽她们开篝火晚会的地方,却没看到爱莉。当得知她去洗手间做护理后,安吉拉便去找她。其实爱莉和罗比躲在洗手间里做爱,当安吉拉来的时候,她慌忙叫那罗比躲起来,自己则穿好衣服和安吉拉说了几句话就离开了。 第二天爱莉觉得摩丽向安吉拉告密,诉苦,就和她闹翻了。摩丽回到营房伤心极了。安吉拉问她怎么了,摩丽就把刚才发生的事都告诉了她,希望她不要说出去。 爱莉和罗比在林子里做完爱后,去了洗手间,洗脸处的镜子上放了张纸条,是肖恩的,他让她去小木屋那等他。爱莉高兴地去了。在那,她没发现肖恩,却见到了安吉拉。安吉拉用刀刺伤了她,然后把她丢进了粪坑,最后淹死了她。 晚上罗比来找肖恩,问他们是不是看到了爱莉,他老想着那个死了很多人的夏令营,他怀疑爱莉被杀了。肖恩叫他放心,不会出事的,并告诉他自己当年本来也要参加那个夏令营的,因为父亲钱不够还是没去了。他想不起那个杀手叫什么。 布莱德和另外一个小男孩为了报复安吉拉,就在她们门口上放了桶水。营员蒂米告诉安吉拉,她给梅尔家打了电话,可她母亲说她还没回来还在营地。她还给菲比也打了电话,她弟弟也说她还没回来。还有那对双胞胎姐妹……与此同时安吉拉在外屋试着用什么东西杀死蒂米好,因为她觉得她话太多,会惹麻烦。最后她用琴弦勒死了她。安吉拉刚出门就被那两个小鬼的水淋了个落汤鸡,她怕他们知道她杀人了,便又回到房里去把蒂米的尸体从后窗弄出去。刚弄到一半,同营的另一个女孩进来了,安吉拉不得不把她也杀了。摩丽回来后发现只有她和安吉拉两个了,安吉拉告诉她自己把蒂米她们也送回去了。晚上安吉拉做了噩梦,梦到了自己杀人的每个情景。 因为没有经过约翰叔叔的允许私自送了那么多孩子回家,安吉拉被解雇了。安吉拉哭着回来向摩丽道别。摩丽去找肖恩,要他和自己去找安吉拉,安慰安慰她,两人就去了山上的小屋。在小木屋外,他们找到了安吉拉,她告诉摩丽她觉得指导主任肯定和解雇她也有关系,因为他们关系一直不好。这时肖恩打开了小木屋的门,安吉拉想阻止他,可来不及了,肖恩进了屋,发现了所有被“送回家”以及失踪的人。所有的惨不忍睹的尸体都被摆成日常生活的样子,肖恩忍不住跪在地上大吐起来,安吉拉乘机用木棍打晕了他。随后她抓住了摩丽。 罗比告诉指导主任肖恩和摩丽去了山上的小木屋,于是他便马上跟上山去。到了小木屋那,由于肖恩和摩丽都被牢牢绑住,并塞住了嘴巴,他们不能告诉指导主任里面有危险。等他一进门,安吉拉就用一整杯的硫酸直朝他的脸泼来……接着肖恩想起来另一个夏令营的杀手名字就叫安吉拉,那个杀手就在自己面前。安吉拉承认自己就是那个安吉拉,而且她通过权威的推荐书,包括心理医生的,以及两年的治疗,电疗,整容手术,这才得到这份工作的。安吉拉认为自己是正常的,已经恢复好了,如果有问题他们是不会允许自己出院的。当安吉拉得知肖恩的父亲是抓捕她的警察时,她用长刀砍下了肖恩的头。安吉拉有事暂时离开了小木屋,摩丽乘机解开了身上的绳子,并躲在门后打晕安吉拉逃了出去。安吉拉醒来后马上跑出去追赶。在林子里两人相遇了,扭打过程中摩丽划伤了安吉拉,并刺伤了她的腿。但安吉拉还是紧追不舍,最后她把摩丽逼到了一块岩石上,摩丽失足掉了下去。 一位女管理员看到布莱德和他同伴趴在女生营房的窗上,以为在偷看什么人,当她把他们的头扳过来时,发现他们被挖去了双眼。她尖叫着去找约翰叔叔,却看到约翰叔叔坐在办公桌前被砍断手,割破了喉咙。被吓得魂飞魄散的管理员一回头又看见被吊死的罗比。最后安吉拉用刀捅死了她。 摩丽并没有死,她醒来后拖着受伤的身子艰难地下了山。安吉拉搭了辆车,在车上她杀死了司机,自己开走了车。摩丽在山下拦住了一辆车,而司机刚好就是安吉拉…… 2017.01.19 多年后,第一步的杀手经过治疗又放出来做了夏令营的管理员 - -,这次更进一步,全死光~,结局倒是留了个悬念,莫丽逃出生天,拦住一辆车,居然还是安吉拉,这一瞬间,真是感到被整个世界抛弃吧。 夏令营,变性人,血腥,杀戮,一个不留。裸露。★★★★H00005