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#BT老司机 BT老司机 发表于:2018-01-25 23:41:36
《少女日记》系列是法国导演 Nicolas Weber在1999--2000年执导拍摄,Lila Baumann、Kestrel Boyle、Jason Davies等参与演出的四部很经典的唯美情色电影。 电影讲述的是法国少女安娜将自己一生豪放性爱经历,一一写在日记上。放荡、情欲、淫乱、窥探法国少女爱的历程,带你进入性爱唯美境界。 第一部 法国少女安娜从情窦初开时就对奥斯卡念念不忘,但阴差阳错却嫁给了杰弗里。杰弗里托从军的温斯顿捎回书信,祈求安娜回到自己身边。书信被杰弗里发现,杰弗里枪杀奥斯卡然后自杀,俩人均大难不死,但杰弗里下身瘫痪,只能坐在轮椅上。安娜还想着初恋情人奥斯卡,没有性爱的生活,安娜欲火焚身...... 第二部 在安娜的不懈努力下,杰弗里的病情有所好转,已能拄拐行走。安娜把心理医生克里斯蒂娜请到家里,帮助治疗杰弗里。克里斯蒂娜诊金高昂。杰弗里家境每况愈下,入不敷出。为筹集治疗费用,安娜和好友丽莎赶到巴黎,在大学同学亚历山大所开的夜总会当舞蹈演员。从军的温斯顿也已退役,在夜总会担任会计师。夜总会二楼是妓院,安娜只跳舞不卖身,而爱钱的丽莎已和亚历山大滚作一团。克里斯蒂娜企图霸占杰弗里家的大宅院,对基本痊愈的杰弗里诱惑有加,加之杰弗里的朋友理查德经常光顾夜总会带回的负面消息,杰弗里给安娜寄出了离婚通知书。偶然间,安娜瞧见初恋情人奥斯卡和丽莎搂在一起。万念俱灰的安娜决心上二楼接客,第一个人竟然是自己丈夫的朋友理查德...... 第三部 理查德投资拍电影,安娜受邀请到达罗马在片中担任一角。理查德的新拍档路易吉作为电影投资人要求妻子奥利维亚担当角色,和理查德争执不断。理查德沉迷于酗酒,终日酩酊大醉。又邀请女伯爵茱莉亚投资拍电影,以摆脱路易吉的控制。茱莉亚携好友珍娜来到剧组,没料想理查德和珍娜搞在了一起。安娜在剧组受到排挤,偶然间认识了记者兼摄影师卡洛,迅速打得火热,决心离开剧组。 第四部 安娜暂住在罗马理查德家。一日,理查德的一位客人麦斯带安娜出城买英国报纸,麦斯因贪恋美色被人盗取了车里的包,安娜的日记本因此丢失。安娜急于找回日记,不料日记本却落在了和安娜积怨已久的路易吉手中,路易吉登报敲诈安娜。亚历珊娜觊觎女伯爵茱莉亚的庞大家产,让哥哥麦斯娶茱莉亚的侄女泰伦西亚,泰伦西亚不同意下嫁麦斯而离家出走.....

Nicolas Weber(导演)/Lila Baumann/Kirsty Smith(主演)/法国/1999年 / R级 / 剧情 / 爱情

电影名:The Diary 2 Warning for naive people!this is a very adult movie. I had caught the first one so i rented this out of curiosity and because i think Lila Baumann is hot! The movies has a British feel in it though i seriously doubt whether the cast is British as some of them spoke a bad imitation of the accent. Connoisseurs of beautiful nude women will love this movie as good looking girls are aplenty. The movie features Vegas style shows with nude and semi nude girls in a joint in Paris. Our heroine joins such a show to make ends meet. I never knew producers of flicks like this could muster enough muscle to hire good costume designers and rent good sets like this. They seem to have spent a lot of money there and there are healthy doses of girl on girl action to keep the male viewers glued to screen. Overall its a good late night flick you can catch before bed or watch it with friends in the weekend.

Nicolas Weber(导演)/Lila Baumann/Christopher O'Loughlin/Gianluigi de Angeles(主演)/法国/德国/2000年 / R级 / 剧情 / 爱情

电影名:The Diary 3 A sequel movie to The Diary 2 (1999). 1930s. Anna (Lila Baumann), the primary character has reinvented herself in Italy as an actress and she is set to star and produce in a film by an Italian production house with questionable background. With these follows, the usual film industry scandals, casting couch, affairs of the stars, orgies at the producer's mansion and a lot of other scenarios warranting nudity.

Nicolas Weber(导演)/Lila Baumann/Gianluigi de Angeles/Christopher O'Loughlin(主演)/法国/德国/2000年 / R级 / 剧情 / 爱情

电影名:The Diary 4 A sequel movie to The Diary 3 (2000). Still in Rome as a guest of Richard a more mellowed Anna is no longer an actress. One day, her diary is stolen on the street, she tries her best to get it back, and it's back, with an encounter with a man she will fall in love with.

Nicolas Weber(导演)/Lila Baumann(主演)/法国/英国/德国/1999年 / R级 / 剧情 / 爱情

电影名:The Diary 少女日记 截止2018年1月25日共有176人对《少女日记》评分,豆瓣评分6.6分。 法国少女将自己一生豪放性爱经历,一一写在日记上……放荡、情欲、淫乱…… 窥探法国少女爱的历程,带你进入性爱唯美境界......... 各种裸,数量多、时间长、频率高,很彻底!