Derpixon(导演)/Derpixon(主演)/美国/2022年 / 动画 / 爱情
超绝的画风,极品的剧情,欧美风的典范,值得推荐!!!!只放一个分享链接,其他请在视频中心查看! 包含:[Derpixon作品合集]FandeLTaleS-The Cursed Prince [Derpixon作品合集]FandelTales [Derpixon作品合集]Sea King Judgment [Derpixon作品合集]Bumstar (KDA) [Derpixon作品合集]The Artist Migration [Derpixon作品合集]Fresh Start [Derpixon作品合集]Party Games [Derpixon作品合集]Thirst Week [Derpixon作品合集]Mime and Dash [Derpixon作品合集]Implications [Derpixon作品合集]Time Stopped [Derpixon作品合集]Practice Mode [Derpixon作品合集]Test of Fait
萨姆·莱文森(导演)/雅各布·艾洛蒂/赞达亚/亚历克萨·德米/茉德·阿帕图/敏卡·凯利/达格·费尔格/西德妮·斯威尼/芭比·费雷拉/亨特·莎弗/信达·亚当斯/卡梅隆·亚历山大/多米尼克·菲克(主演)/美国/2022年 / 剧情
电影名:Euphoria Season 2 迷醉 / 狂喜 截止2022年2月17日共有1679人对《亢奋 第二季》评分,豆瓣评分9.4分。 讲述在一群青少年试图通过毒品﹑性爱和暴力来逃避现实,以应对无法确定的未来。
佐藤寿保(导演)/藤谷奈々子,伊藤清美(主演)/日本/1987年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 惊悚
佐藤寿保Hisayasu Sato(导演)/阿部隆史/林由美香/爱禾美沙/愛禾みさ(主演)/日本/2000年 / R级 / 恐怖
17岁少年吴永儿(阿部サダヲ 饰)的父母都是极为出色的科学家,在他未出生之际,父亲神秘失踪。如同继承了父亲的遗志,永儿也潜心科学研究。他研制出一种新型的镇静剂,这种药物直接作用于人脑,使人感受不到痛苦。为了试验效果,永儿将这种名为“MY SON”的药剂偷偷注射到母亲实验所用的药物中。 永儿的母亲由贵(中尾真澄 饰)正在测试一种新式的避孕药,在不知情的情况下,她将药物注射到三个志愿者的体内。接下来48小时发生的事情,令由贵和永儿都始料未及…… 三名少女在药效的刺激下,视身材为生命的不停用利刃在身上穿孔找寻快感,嗜食的则用刀叉割下自己阴部品尝人肉刺身,甚至用叉子挖出自己的双眼,而不知睡眠为何物的,靠辅助仪器和仙人掌沟通的变成了冷血杀人狂…… 三个女孩。A女,一个贪婪暴食的人,拥有一张永远停不下来的嘴,她不知道自己这样不停的吃,是不是因为饥饿,只觉得吃是一件很幸福的事,能解脱百无聊赖的时光;B女,一个崇拜时尚的人,热衷于健身等各类时尚活动,穿金戴银似乎是她的梦想;C女,文静温和,漂亮贤惠,自闭内向,离群索居经常失眠,在客厅的中央栽植了一株日本没有的热带仙人掌,并和仙人掌接通了电线,每个夜晚必须戴上通了线的眼罩和仙人掌沟通,才能获得片刻睡眠。 三女都有一个共同的特点:没有稳定的工作,稳定的收入。所以都在医院里当“试药人”,以此获得生活费,每个月往自己的身上注射各种药,然后定期回去检查,登记药效反映和生理特征。负责她们的女医生,中年丧偶,有一个16岁的儿子,儿子和当年的父亲一样热衷于各种药物发明,并发明了一种能抑制疼痛的药品,潜意识里有一定的恋母情节。当他知道母亲正准备给三个“试药人”试药,毫不犹豫地把自己的新成果偷换了进去。女医生在不知情的情况下,给三女注射了抑制疼痛的药水。 三女在不同的时间不同地点,发生了不同的反应,A女,在家中烹饪时,好奇之下把手伸入油锅,居然毫无痛感,吃性大发,吞下了这个“油炸食品”,意犹未尽的饥饿感,让她无法停止下来,她用刀叉剜出自己的眼珠吃了下去,接下来是乳头、下阴,饕餮无忌大快朵颐;B女,无意中在修理自己的腋毛时发现,用手拔下腋毛,居然没有痛觉,也开始痴迷起这种“痒痒”的感觉,一步步尝试身体穿刺,全身穿满金属。似乎只有C女没有事情,屋子里的仙人掌像一株守护神。 实际上所有的人已经癫狂,女医生发现有A女与B女已经死亡后,通知C女来进行检查,同时知道儿子偷换药的事,然后被C女剖腹。男孩爱上了美丽的C女,在和仙人掌树下和完成和C女的交媾后,心甘情愿地被C女刺死(男孩已经自己注射自己发明的药物),被鲜血浇灌的冷漠仙人掌开出了红色的娇艳花朵。而A女,和B女在癫狂的边缘,也是被C女“结束”了自虐,命归西天,此时C女已经怀上了孩子。
Mario Salieri(导演)/Selen/Joy Karins/Ron Jeremy(主演)/意大利/1994年 / R级 / 恐怖
电影名:Dracula XXX Dracula 截止2018年5月19日共有133人对《吸血惊情成人版》评分,豆瓣评分6.5分。 吸血鬼就是西方的金瓶梅啊!!!这个情色版本吸血鬼真的是除了血就是性了…… Selen赛仑超级美女最有名的作品,可谓极品。 XV century Prince Vlad Tepes tries unsuccessfully to escape his wife during an invasion of Romania by the Turks. Vlad is killed, while his wife is kidnapped and tortured until he grant to the sultan sexually. Repeatedly raped, she decides to commit suicide right on the tomb of late husband. The sacrifice of the women resurrects Vlad, who vows to get revenge over the centuries. Four centuries later, in 1887 in Bedford, a notary found traces of the heirs of the Count and left for Romania.
西村昭五郎Shogoro Nishimura(导演)/泉淳Jun Izumi,南城竜也,麻生兔Usagi Aso,坂本长利(主演)/日本/1983年 / R级 / 剧情
别名:Woman with Pierced Nipples Chikubi ni piasu o shita onna 在整形诊所担任护士的咲(泉淳 饰)美丽端庄,对待性事似乎趋于保守。告别上一段恋情后,她始终孑然一身。男人权藤(南城竜也 饰)对她展开猛烈的爱情攻势。在玫瑰芳香的熏陶下,咲渐渐喜欢上了权藤,并答应与之外出约会。谁知约会当晚,咲即遭对方无情凌辱。原来权藤是一个调教爱好者,他早将咲锁定为征服目标,并设下连环圈套引之上钩。 虽则如此,爱情之花仍不可抑制在咲的心中绽放。她彻底爱上了权藤,朝朝暮暮只望与之缠绵,而在对方的引导下,咲内心的狂野渐渐被释放出来。她甘愿成为权藤的奴仆,无怨无悔……
Bruno Mattei(导演)/Ivano Staccioli/Ria De Simone/Nello Riviè(主演)/意大利/1977年 / R级 / 恐怖 / 惊悚
别名:KZ9 - Lager di Sterminio/S.S. Extermination Love Camp / Women's Camp 119 / SS campo extermination / SS Extermination Camp A prisoner is forced to serve as a doctor's assistant, giving her a front row seat for the horrible goings-on. There's the experiment to revive Nazi soldiers who have frozen to death by having nude women rub their bodies all over the corpse (that one works), and the experiment tries to "cure" homosexual men by having nude women dance for them. This is only some of the horrors that are going on there. 意大利拍摄的纯粹的粉红。
Masayuki Asao (导演)/Shihori Nagasaka, Mai Hayami, Kaoru Mizuki (主演)/日本/1987年 / R级 / 惊悚 / 剧情
别名:Flower and Snake 5: Rope Magic (1987) a.K.a Hana to hebi: kyûkyoku nawa chôkyô A gambler uses his wife and daughter as collateral for a loan. When he is unable to pay back the loan, daughter and mother are kidnapped by the Yakuza gang that lent him the money. From this moment on, the women have to endure endless abuse and torture by the ruthless gangsters.
Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Ran Masaki, Kazuyo Ezaki, Masayoshi Nogami(主演)/日本/1986年 / R级 / 惊悚 / 剧情
别名:Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave (1986) a.K.a Hana to hebi: hakui nawa dorei Dentist Oba is handsome and successful, but he remained single over the years. Oba is treating his nurse, Naoe, as his sex slave. He also satisfies himself sexually when he anesthetizes his female patients. When he meets Miki, he can’t help but turn her into another sex slave.
Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Kaori Aso, Mami Fujimura, Sei Hiraizumi(主演)/日本/1985年 / R级 / 惊悚 / 剧情
别名:Flower and Snake 2: Sketch Of Hell (1985) a.K.a Hana to hebi: jigoku-hen Here is the first sequel to Nikkatsu Studio’s 1974 hit FLOWER AND SNAKE; Shogoro Nishimura directs this adaptation of erotica author Dan Oniroku’s novel. Kaori Aso lives in the wealthy family. She cheated her stepmother that she has been kidnapped by somebody. Unfortunately, Aso’s accomplice really kidnapped Aso and her stepmother and forced them to play SM games. Aso’s driver tried to rescue them, however… Again a big enema scene is at the centre of this telling of the tale and whilst it is a bit wince inducing, it does not quite have the nasty edge of the original. Beautifully, colourfully and gleefully shot, this is an amazingly focused tale of capture, bondage but more especially humiliation. Much is made of the two naked female protagonists being mother and step-daughter and despite the explicit close-ups of the proceedings, there is always room to show the men and women enjoying the ‘spectacle’. The serious tone is set at the start and apart from a pause for a disco dance in the midst of all the rape and torture and the eye popping and completely OTT ending, things remain on that level throughout. Amazing and it is only regrettable that the English language does not seem to have words to describe just how amazing Japanese cinema can be.